Pest Control Marketing – Are YOU Drifting?
Here’s a question for you to ponder. Have you chartered a specific course for your life or are you just drifting along? Drifting is a devastating trap that carries with …
Here’s a question for you to ponder. Have you chartered a specific course for your life or are you just drifting along? Drifting is a devastating trap that carries with …
I was having coffee with a small business owner the other day and he told me he was considering doing some direct mail marketing. He was thinking about a post …
I just returned from a great vacation on Captiva Island in Florida. I got to spend some quality time with my sister and her family. Also, as you might guess…I did …
Let me ask you a question. Which type of website do you have… a pretty website or a website that is specifically and psychologically designed to convert viewers into callers …
People don’t like to change their minds about things. We like to be consistent. Our subconscious mind (Elmo) hates change. Change represents risk so we try to avoid it as …
I once heard Nido Qeubin, president of Highpoint University in High Point, North Carolina, tell the story of looking out his office window one day and noticing where students were …
Awhile back I presented a two hour seminar specifically for pest control operators. There were about 25 people in attendance. The meeting was held at popular a restaurant located on …
I spend most of my time these days coaching small business owners, writing marketing and sale articles, and presenting seminars and workshops on how to get more new customers and …
Whether you know it or not…you’re hypnotized. Starting before you were actually born, you’ve been programmed to act certain ways and exhibit certain behaviors. Napolean Hill refers to this pre-programming …
Do you confabulate? The answer should be YES. The fact is…we all do it. We often don’t know why we do the things we do. We think we do but, …