Pest Control Marketing – How To Get More Pest Control Customers From The Internet!

Let me ask you a question. Which type of website do you have…..a pretty website or a website that is specifically designed to convert viewers into paying customers?

You probably have a pretty one. That’s what most people want. But, what you don’t understand and most worldclass internet marketers DO understand is this: Pretty doesn’t sell. Shiney doesn’t sell.


For the past several years I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out with and getting to know some of the world’s best internet marketers. Some of them make more money in one week….or even in one day….than most people make in a whole year.

And all from what most people would consider ugly little websites!

Why? Because they understand how to recognize and use the psychological response triggers  that cause people to buy things.

They understand that there is a proper psychological sequence in the flow of information and, if you interupt that flow, or create confusion or questions, the flow stops…..and the buyer won’t buy.

They understand that fancy graphics, especially moving ones, tend to be major interuptors and stumbling blocks.

It is painfully obvious that the vast majority of web designers are completely clueless about this.

I see it every day. The graphics on most websites are like barricades on a one lane road. They simply stop people in their tracks and cause them to turn around and go elsewhere.

And the sad part is, they spend lots of money on SEO to drive traffic to a website that, once someone lands there, they don’t do anything except leave.

The site itself drives viewers away like a scarecrow in a cornfield….and nobody realizes it is happening!  (Example:  Build a house that is beautiful on the outside and looks great from the street, but has no doors leading inside, so in order to enter it, you have to crawl in throught the window…..and put the toilet in the middle of the bedroom floor…..and see how many people want to buy that house.   The answer is NOBODY WILL.)

Our minds are programed from infancy to process black letters on a white background, left to right, top to bottom. The farther away you get from that sequence, the more you are in danger of losing your viewer.

So, which type of website do YOU have…..a pretty website or a website that is consistently and effectively converting total strangers into paying customers and making you money?

Which type would you rather have?

Do you really know the difference?

Food for thought.

Stay tuned for more…….


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