FACT: There is no better way to get someone to know, like and trust you than to give them something of VALUE for FREE.
We’ve talked about the Law of Reciprocity many times in the past. I want to touch on it again here because it is so important. And… the more times we touch on it…the more likely you are to remember it and begin using it to your advantage.
Question: When was the last time you gave one of your customers a FREE service or FREE gift…for no particular reason at all…other than to show them your gratitude and appreciation for doing business with you?
I have a friend who owns a small restaurant. Awhile back we were discussing some ways he could get more new customers. I suggested that, every now and then, he just comp’d a sandwich or desert for one of his VIP regular customers just to show his appreciation for the fact that they came into his restaurant and spent money on a regular basis.
He looked at me like I’d been standing out in the sun too long. He didn’t get it at all. His response was, “I can’t give away a $7.00 sandwich. If I start doing that I’ll go broke.”
I said, “No. Actually if you will do that from time to time, they will come into your store more often, spend more money and they will bring more people with them.”
I might as well have been talking to a fence post.
In the pest control industry, it’s easy to find ways to give your customers value without charging them for it.
Example: The next time you find a yellow jacket nest at a customer’s home, just go ahead and kill it and then tell the customer, “We normally charge $69.00 for exterminating a yellow jacket nest, but today it’s on me. It’s my FREE gift to you just to let you know how much I appreciate your business.”
Other things you can do for FREE (especially when you’re already at their home)…
- Kill wasps, yellow jackets & hornets
- Apply caulking around pipes, vents, cracks, louvers, etc.
- Trim some bushes or shrubs in contact with house
- Free monthly service, renewal fee, etc.
- Free spot treat
- Etc., etc. etc.
I hope you get what I’m saying here. The most powerful response-generating word in the English language is the word FREE. Use it to your advantage, and your customers will appreciate YOU more and they will be much more inclined to go out of their way to refer you to others.
And then you can find ways to do FREE things for the new customers!
Make sense?
I hope so.
And I hope YOU have a great day,