Pest Control Marketing – The importance of your opening line!

Pest Control Marketing Tip # 296

The Importance Of Your Opening Line

Legendary marketing genius David Ogilvy once said, “If you’re selling fire extinguishers… open with a fire!”

What he meant was this: It is very important that, when making a sales presentation, you get to the point quickly… and dramatically!

You’ve heard me say many times before that it is the subconscious mind that almost always makes the buying decision. And the subconscious mind (Elmo) is very lazy. It also becomes bored very quickly and, if you beat around the bush, it will tune you out quicker than a P.E.T.A. member will protest a dead roof rat in a snap trap.

If you’re selling seat belts, show a picture of someone’s head through a windshield.

If you’re selling burglar alarms, show a masked man entering a home through a broken window.

When making a termite sales presentation you should begin by showing them massive termite damage and then tell them you can get rid of the termites FAST, at a GREAT PRICE, backed by a DYNAMITE WARRANTY!

They need to clearly see the problem and then have you offer the solution.

It’s very easy to get sidetracked and go off on a tangent that leaves the prospect bored and uninterested. If this happens, you’re toast!

In most cases, if your prospect is the type who is really interested in all of the history or technical details, they have already gone to the internet and gathered all of the information about it they need anyway.

Bottom line:  You just need to show them the fire and then sell them the fire extinguisher!

I hope you find this information helpful.

To YOUR Success Always,


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PPS. I’d also like to give you a FREE copy of my newest book, “Bottom Line: How To Grow A Pest Control Business!”  Just click on this link and follow the instructions to get your copy!  This book will change the way you think about selling and marketing for the rest of your life…and it’s yours FREE while my launch promotion lasts! After that, it will cost you $29.95.

PPPS. Also, be sure to check out the following resources to help you grow your business:

By Hal Coleman