Sell Pest Control – Train Customers to Say YES!
Pest control sales increase when you get more customers to say YES to you. And, if you learn more about WHY they say yes, you can get them to do …
Pest control sales increase when you get more customers to say YES to you. And, if you learn more about WHY they say yes, you can get them to do …
Do you use telemarketing to get new customers and grow your business? Many of my clients use…or attempt to use…telemarketing to sell termite and pest control and lawn care. But …
Small Business Marketing and Sales all hinges on delivering the right message and saying the right words to the right people at the right time. So let me ask you this: …
Selling pest control is easier and more productive when the person (s) answering your phone is understands exactly how to convert callers into customers. After all, when someone calls you, …
Selling termite and pest control…or anything else…demands that you be adaptable and open to change. Many people get stuck in a “That’s just the way I’ve always done it” mentality …
You’ve heard it said that, when you try to be all things to everybody, you end up being nothing to nobody. That certainly applies to marketing pest control and termite …
Going paperless, wireless…even voiceless…seems to be the wave of the future. But, when selling pest control or any other product or service, removing the personal element can, and often does, …
When the next recession arrives…and it will…how will YOUR business fare? Will you lose lots of customers because they can no longer afford to pay you…or will your business continue to grow in …
The biggest breakthrough you…and everyone in your organization…from the top executives right down to the newest trainee…can have is this: You are in the marketing business. If you put the …
Small Business Marketing is a never ending process. It is everything you do to get and keep customers. Ray Kroc, the man who took a small hamburger joint, McDonald’s, and turned …