Pest Control Marketing – How to find the BEST employees
Pest control marketing is about EVERYTHING you do to get and keep customers. It literally is a thousand little things. It is also about ALL of your employees. After all, they represent …
Pest control marketing is about EVERYTHING you do to get and keep customers. It literally is a thousand little things. It is also about ALL of your employees. After all, they represent …
Pest Control Marketing Tip # 211 Here’s a question for you: Do you know the best place to bury a dead body where no one will ever find it? The …
Pest Control Marketing Tip #117 Regarding the Ethics of Selling Because many of the techniques I teach are so powerful, unorthodox, seductive, hypnotic, dynamic…and highly effective when it comes …
Pest control marketing and advertising are done for one reason…and that is…to get and keep customers. Marketing is the #1 most important activity for any business owner. If you don’t …
Pest Control Marketing Tip # 229 Marketing a pest control business successfully…or any small business…involves doing a thousand little things…and doing them correctly. It involves using multiple tools such as websites, …
If you are a pest control operator and you have even one employee…or you’re thinking of hiring your very first employee…you need to read an article I wrote for PCT …
Pest Control Marketing Tip # 213 Question: Who would you rather have as a customer…a poor person who can’t pay their bills and drops your service after a few months…or …
Pest Control Marketing Tip # 167 I was having coffee with a small business owner the other day and he told me he was considering doing some direct mail marketing. …
Pest control marketing is a lot easier when you know exactly who your ideal customers are. When you can identify them you can create messages that speak to them…and not …
Pest Control Marketing Tip # 181 – Learn to be an effective networker! When I owned and operated my pest control business for 18 years, my bread & butter marketing …