Pest Control Marketing tips and ideas you can use to make more money

Successful marketing is the key to having a growing, thriving…and profitable pest control business. It is the first thing you need to think of when starting your business. If you don’t market your business successfully you won’t need to worry about sales, customer service and management because you eventually won’t have and customers to serve or employees to manage.

The world is literally crawling with conventional marketers and marketing experts who are only so happy to take your money and leave you with a cookie cutter marketing plan and marketing materials that THEY say will work very well for you.  But…ask them what sort of GUARANTEE they are willing to offer you…and they will look at you like you just had a sun stroke.

Conventional wisdom states that,  “You can lead a horse to water but you can make him drink!” Well…if you believe that then you are a victim of the exact same mindset I’m talking about.

FACT: There are many ways to make a horse drink water…including the following…

  • Leave him out in the hot sun all day and then lead him to water and he will drink!
  • Exercise him hard and then lead him to water and he will drink!
  • Feed him a lot of sweet feed and then lead him to water and he will drink!
  • And…if all else fails…just rub a big handful of salt in his mouth and he will drink!

If you lead a horse to water and he won’t drink…it’s YOUR fault…not his.  You just don’t know how to make horses thirsty!

When it comes to marketing your pest control business…you’d better learn how to make horses thirsty. Horses being customers…and thirsty being buyers!

Food for thought. I hope you find this article helpful.

To YOUR Success Always,


PS. Click on the link below and subscribe to the Pest Control Marketing Podcast today and never miss and episode!

PPS. I’d also like to give you a FREE copy of my newest book, “Bottom Line: How To Grow A Pest Control Business!”  Just click on this link and follow the instructions to get your copy!  This book will change the way you think about selling and marketing for the rest of your life…and it’s yours FREE while my launch promotion lasts! After that, it will cost you $29.95.

PPPS. Also, be sure to check out the following resources to help you grow your business:

By Hal: