Owning and operating a pest contol business in not easy. The challenges are endless. Decisions, decisions, decisions! The only people who really know and understand why you lie awake at 2:00am with that knot in your stomach are other pest control operators.
Surely there’s got to be a better way, right?
Well, maybe this thought will help you.
I’ve said for years that we should run our businesses as if they were professional sports teams.
Let’s take baseball for instance.
What are some of the things you notice about a professional baseball team…especially the really good ones?
- They function as a team and not just a group of individuals doing their own thing.
- They never stop training.
- They have an effective coach/manager who knows how to lead and inspire.
- They are always pumped up for the game.
- They encourage each other at every opportunity.
- They listen to the coach and are fully expected to follow his instructions.
- They are expected to maintain a positive mental attitude.
- They KNOW that if they don’t do their best and perform up to expectations, they will be TRADED or RELEASED.
- No one player is more important than the team.
- Attitude is everything.
- They play to WIN!
When a team’s owner and general manager make the decision to go for the pennant, they begin looking at the things that must be done to reach the next level of performance. And that usually begins with trading or releasing some players and shifting others to new positions.
So ask yourself the following questions about YOUR business:
Are we functioning as a team or just a group of individuals doing their own thing?
Do we have the right players in the right positions?
Do we need to trade some players?
Am I an effective coach/manager/team leader?
What do we need to do to be ready for the playoffs (reach the next level of performance)?
And finally…ask yourself this question:
How badly do I want to WIN?
Food for thought.
I hope to see YOU in the playoffs!