Pest Control Marketing – Addressing your biggest fears!

Today’s pest control marketing tip is this:  Until you address your fears and come to terms with them you will never reach your full potential. As a matter of fact, you probably won’t come anywhere near it!

FACT: Everyone is afraid of something. And in the context of this post, I’m referring to fears associated with growing your pest control business or your wildlife control business…or any small business for that matter.

Some of the most common fears in relation to growing your business might be fear of…

  • Failure
  • Rejection
  • Poverty
  • Dealing with employees
  • Selling
  • Management
  • Regulations and Regulators
  • Being sued
  • Loss of self esteem

The list could go on…but hopefully you get my point. Everyone is afraid of something.

The best way you can overcome your fears is to learn how to avoid making them a reality.

Example:  The best way to avoid failure is to learn everything you can about how to become successful and apply what you learn. That is the surest way to insure success!

Another Example:  The best way to avoid poverty is to learn everything you can about how to make money and apply what you learn. That is the surest way to insure that you will be financially secure!

I’m sure you get my point.

And…when it comes to learning…there is a ton of FREE information available to you…on the internet, from Amazon, and from individual mentors and coaches you can turn to for help. All you have to do is seek…and you will find it!

As a matter of fact…I have tons of FREE sales and marketing training, tips, strategies and techniques that are GUARANTEED to help you grow your business and be successful. All you have to do is go get it and use it.

(See links at the bottom of this letter)

There are over 300 articles and videos on my website, Just go to the website and check the archives. It’s all there…and it’s FREE.

Also, check out my podcast, There you will find over 40 episodes specifically designed to give you simple, easy-to-implement strategies and techniques that you can start using TODAY to help you.

And…if you’d like for me to help you personally…all you have to do is call me at 770-993-0004 and I’ll arrange to spend a whole hour helping you…and I’ll do that absolutely FREE!

So…whatever it is that might be holding you back…you need to face it and deal with it. Don’t let it keep you from creating that growing, thriving…and profitable business that you have always dreamed of but haven’t been able to reach.

I would love to help you if you want me to.

To YOUR Success Always,


PPS. I’d also like to give you a FREE copy of my newest book, “Bottom Line: How To Grow A Pest Control Business!”  Just click on this link and follow the instructions to get your copy!  This book will change the way you think about selling and marketing for the rest of your life…and it’s yours FREE while my launch promotion lasts! After that, it will cost you $29.95.

PPPS. Also, be sure to check out the following resources to help you grow your business:

By Hal: