“Pest Control Marketing And Advertising That WORKS!”
If you’re frustrated with slow business growth and slow sales and you’d like to know how to get your business on a faster growth track without spending a fortune on SEO and advertising please click on the arrow and watch the short video below.
“My name is Mack Glover and I’m the President of Arrow Pest Service in Panama City, FL. I have been working with Hal Coleman for 1 one year and we have seen a 65% increase in our sales revenue since we have started. I made up my mind that I was going to do whatever he instructed me to do (no matter how CRAZY it might sound) and it has paid off in a BIG way. The return on our investment with Hal is definitely worth it, I DO NOT regret one penny of it. Hal knows what he is talking about, so just do it. You WILL Not be disappointed, I promise. Hal is very professional and amazing to work with and I always look forward to our weekly meetings, so much so that I’ve signed up for another year. Please feel free to contact me anytime about Hal’s coaching program.” Mack Glover, President – Arrow Pest Service, Panama City, Fla. (850) 874-1900

Read more testimonials at the bottom of this page!
Dear Pest Control Operator,
If you’re reading this right now, it’s probably because you’re either struggling to grow your pest control business and you’re looking for some answers that will help you, or your business is growing but want it to grow a whole lot faster.
FACT: Growing a small business isn’t easy. It is a day-to-day struggle to get new customers. It can be very frustrating. And it can cost you a fortune. I know. Believe me, I’ve been there.
(Check out my Podcast by clicking on the link: http://www.PestControlMarketingPodcast.com
Subscribe today and never miss and episode!
I spent 18 years of struggle and frustration trying to grow my pest control business. I made every mistake you’ve made…and probably a lot more. I had the same employee issues you face each and every day. I spend a fortune on websites, yellow page ads, flyers, brochures, direct mail campaigns, radio, TV, and a lot of other media trying to get my business on a faster growth track. I actually thought 10-15 percent annual growth was really good…and it is for most businesses.
But, over the past 15 years, I have learned that annual growth of 30-50 percent…even higher…is easily possible for almost any pest control business no matter how big or small it is. And my coaching clients have proven it time and time again!
- Would you like for your phone to be ringing more often?
- Do you wish your employees would bring in more leads and referrals?
- Do you wish your current customers would refer you more often?
- Would you like to be getting more new business from your website?
- Do you wish your vehicle would generate more phone calls from people who see it on the street?
- Do you wish you had a powerful, dynamic, seductive and irresistible sales presentation that you could not only use yourself, but could teach to all of your employees?
- Do you wish your employees were as motivated and dedicated to growing the business as you are?
- Bottom line…would you like to be depositing more money in the bank?
If you answered YES to even ONE of the above statements, please keep reading…and pay close attention… because you area about to learn exactly how you can make it happen starting TODAY with one phone call!
But first, why should you listen to me?
What do I know that you might not?
Good questions. Here’s my answer.
I’ve been active in pest control industry for over 45 years, including:
- I’ve been right where you are now…struggling to grow my own pest control business!
- I’m an entomologist.
- Started as out as “one man with a spray can” and built a successful million dollar business (working 40 hours a week, 8-5 Monday thru Friday)
- Past president of The Georgia Pest Control Association
- Founding member of GPCA’s Train-the-Trainer program
- Spent over half a million dollars to learn what I know now about the secrets to super powerful marketing and adverting and how to use them to grow a pest control business.
- Internationally known pest control marketing coach, consultant, sales trainer and motivator
- Taught thousands of small business owners and sales people how to generate more sales and increase their closing percentages
- Author of 5 books on selling and motivation, including my latest “Bottom Line: How To Grow A Pest Control Business!”
- Professional speaker and workshop/seminar presenter
- Dozens of testimonials from more than happy clients and students who will eagerly confirm everything I’m telling you in this letter!
Read more testimonials at the bottom of this page!
As you can see, when it comes to the termite and pest control business, I’ve been around the block more than a few times. I’ve had my share of successes…and failures…some of them really BIG!
Over the past 25 years, I’ve spent over $530,000.00 of my own money learning the real secrets to successful scientific marketing and advertising and studying neuroscience, sales psychology and buyer behavior…and how to adapt it all to the pest control industry.
“Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks hasn’t met Hal Coleman. I’ve owned my pest control company for over 30 years and not only has Hal taught me a whole new approach to growing our business but he’s rebooted my enthusiasm. Oh, and by the way, my employees average 15 years with the company and they all feel the same way after our full day seminar with Hal. It has been a great investment to work with Hal. Thanks Hal!”
John Kaiser, President, Island Pest Control, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 843-681-5188
Check out my Podcast by clicking on the link: http://www.PestControlMarketingPodcast.com
(Subscribe today and never miss and episode!)
Imagine what it would be like to have me as your own personal coach, available to you 24/7, to walk with you hand-in-hand, every step of the way to building your growing, thriving pest control business!
After your very first conversation with me you will understand exactly WHY my system is so POWERFUL and WHY you will get AMAZING RESULTS (IF…you listen and follow my advice). And that conversation will be absolutely FREE! (see offer below)
Listen…I’m not blowing smoke here. I know how to grow a pest control business. I’ve proven it time and time again. Just ask my clients (see below). And now I want to help YOU grow yours. I will show you exactly what works…and what doesn’t.
“I signed up for a year of coaching with Hal and it was money well spent. Hal is very knowledgeable in the pest control industry and how to help you grow your business in today’s market as well as what the consumer is looking for when they make that call to hire a professional pest control company and why that company should be you. Thanks to Hal I just ended the first quarter of the year with a 66% increase over this time last year!! I will be calling Hal in the future as I continue to grow my business.”
Bruce Blease, Blease Exterminating, Moultrie, Ga. 229-891-3501
I will show you the REAL TRUTH, (and it will definitely surprise you) about what actually makes a person…
- Click on your website!
- Stay on your website!
- Call your phone number!
- Respond to your postcard!
- Schedule an appointment with you!
- Visit your showroom!
- Respond to your ad!
- Sign on the dotted line and schedule a job!
- Say YES to YOU instead of one of your competitors!
- And…most important of all…what makes a person decide to write a check or swipe a credit card and pay YOU MONEY with a smile on their face!
When you call me and listen to what I have to say, you will begin to see very clearly how easy it is to totally set yourself apart from your competition and create magnetic streams of new customers for the rest of your life! (Your competitors won’t have a clue what you are doing.)
You will also see why…if you DON’T do these things…you will continue to struggle and remain frustrated!
“After being in business for myself for 2 ½ years, I have spent about $2400.00 in coaching/ consulting fees with Hal Coleman. And that included building my new website and blog. I spent an additional $2000.00 on my truck wrap (based solely on what Hal told me to do). And what has been my return on that investment? I can tell you that my website and my truck have generated approximately $80,000.00 in new sales just in the past 18 months! If you want more new customers, you need to call Hal Coleman and let him help you. It will be the best time and money you will ever spend on your business.”
Mark Hunter, Landmark Pest and Wildlife Solutions, Macon, Ga. 478-972-4357
Read more testimonials at the bottom of this page!
Cold Hard FACTS about YOUR Business:
- If your current customers aren’t referring you as often as they could…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If you aren’t getting as much business from your website as you could…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If your employees don’t bring in as many leads and referrals as they could or should, it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If you have more customer cancellations than you should…even one more…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If YOU or your SALES PEOPLE are just winging it…operating on instincts and tribal knowledge…without having a well-defined, sophisticated, compelling, and dynamic PROVEN sales presentation, it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- And I can tell you, with almost absolute certainty, that the people answering the phones in your office are letting a fortune in new business slip right through their fingers each and every day simply because they aren’t trained on how to capture it. This is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If you have employees who aren’t nearly as dedicated as you are and don’t work hard enough at helping to grow your business…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If you don’t really have a well-defined powerful, dynamic, compelling, seductive and irresistible marketing message that you can deliver convincingly in less than 30 seconds…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If your employees aren’t motivated…it is costing YOU money. (I will show you how to fix the problem.)
- If you don’t have nearly as much cash flow as you would like…it is because your business is bleeding MONEY! (I will show you how to fix the problem!)
Bottom line: Here’s what I found out after years of struggling and frustration. I was NEVER going to improve things on my own. I was stuck. I just didn’t have the specific knowledge to make it happen. I NEEDED HELP…and so I went out and got it. I only wish I’d done it a lot sooner. (I made a thousand costly mistakes along the way and I want to help YOU avoid those same mistakes I made).
Imagine…being able to easily create steady streams of new business coming in…lots of it…and all you have to do is answer the phone and set the appointments.
What would that be like for you?
Imagine…lots and lots of people in your community raving about you and telling other people about you and why they should be doing business with you instead of your competition!
How would that feel to you?
What if you never had to worry about getting new customers again?
Imagine…the FREEDOM that would create for you and allow you to really and truly ENJOY your business while growing it and becoming MORE SUCCESSFUL!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if your business was thriving and growing on it’s own and you didn’t have to worry about how to make the phone ring?
Wouldn’t it be great to just be able to sit back and focus on being a real business manager and reaping the profits from that growth?
All you have to do right now is just pick up the phone and give me a call at 770-993-0004 and I will treat YOU to a FREE One Hour “Double Your Business” Coaching Session. It won’t cost you one penny and I guarantee you’ll come away from the call with some great information and insights on how to grow your business FASTER and EASIER!
Check out my Podcast by clicking on the link: http://www.PestControlMarketingPodcast.com
Subscribe today and never miss and episode!
Why would you not want to jump all over my offer? Are you afraid I’ll just try to sell you my program? If that’s the case, you can forget it. If you decide to become my client, it will be YOUR CHOICE, not mine.
I look forward to our conversation.
“This past year we hired Hal Coleman to teach our service professionals a simple strategy for generating leads from total strangers on the street, and additional referrals from our current customers. Over the next 60 days, using his technique, we generated 300 new sales, which resulted in over $80,000.00 in additional income. Thanks Hal!”
Greg Vines, Regional Manager-Allgood Pest Solutions, Dublin, Ga. 478-272-6271
Read more testimonials at the bottom of this page!
Using exactly what I will show YOU, I was able to…
- Dramatically increase the amount of new business I got from my website!
- I increased my yellow page ad revenues by over 300 percent!
- I did a direct mail campaign and generated a 200 percent NET PROFIT!
- I learned how to say three words that drove a ton of new business to my door! (You won’t believe how simple…and effective…this one is!)
- I put a simple phrase on the side of my vehicles that drove more new customers and new business to my door!
- Plus, a lot of other things that helped create steady streams of new customers who kept showing up wanting to do business with ME. ( I sold my business 8 years ago and I still get calls!)
When you call me at 770-993-0004, in that one FREE One Hour “Double Your Business” Coaching Session, I will change the way you look at selling for the rest of your life!
I will give you the most profound and helpful information you have ever received. It will be an eye-opening conversation, I promise…and it won’t cost you a single penny!
It doesn’t matter how large or small your company is, you will discover…
- How to get more new customers!
- How to get your current customers to refer you a lot more often!
- How your sales people can increase their sales and closing percentages!
- Where you are losing money right now… day after day…month after month…year after year…and you don’t have a clue that it’s happening. (I have proven it time and time again)!
My Personal Guarantee: “If you decide to hire me as your coach and do what I tell you to do and, at the end of 30 days you are not 100% HAPPY with what you have learned so far… it will not cost you one single penny…period. I will simply cancel your coaching a give you back every penny you spent. That’s how confident I am that I can help you. I am perfectly willing to put MY MONEY on the line to prove it. So you have absolutely NO RISK whatsoever.”
Check out my Podcast by clicking on the link: http://www.PestControlMarketingPodcast.com
Subscribe today and never miss and episode!)
Below, read what Hal’s clients have to say about working with him: (Feel free to contact any of them.)
“I have been using Hal’s real estate letter this past month and I have gotten quite a few new agents who have started using me and I am getting new sales from it already!” Ceyron Cran, Loyalty Pest Control, Wilmington, Delaware, 302-438-5286
“We have been working with Hal Coleman for exactly one year and we have had a 59% increase in our sales over last year. If you are serious about growing your business you need to listen to what Hal says. It works!” Jerry Garcia, Jerry’s Pest Service, Yakima, Washington, 509-594-7117
“I am in my second year of coaching with Hal Coleman and my business is up 75% over this time last year. If you want to grow your business you should hire Hal as your coach today!” Ceyron Cran, Loyalty Pest Control, Wilmington, Delaware. 302-438-5286
“18 months ago I joined Hal Coleman’s coaching program. I told him my goal was to sell 5 new accounts each week. Last month I sold 75! If you listen to Hal and do what he tells you to do, your pest control business will grow!” Ben Sell, Ben’s Pest Control, Port Saint Lucie, Fla. 772-878-1972
“3 years ago I hired Hal Coleman as my coach. I was a full-time firefighter with small part-time pest control route. I told Hal I wanted to be able to quit the fire department and be in the pest control business full-time. I did everything he told me to do (I am still in his coaching program). And now…36 months later…I have quit my job as a firefighter and my pest control business has grown to the point that I just purchased my 7th truck.” Michael Wieneke, Peskies Pest Control, Birmingham, Ala. 205-470-8161
“I’ve only been working with Hal for 3 months, and I’m already seeing increased conversions and new customers through Hal’s suggestions of where to focus marketing efforts. As Hal says, marketing is 1,000 little things, and it is easy to get overwhelmed trying to do them all. But Hal helped me narrow down and focus on the ones that took small tweaks to my existing marketing but produced the most results. Having someone that knows what they are doing and where to focus is critical when there are so many options out there. Hal is a wealth of marketing knowledge and provides great accountability to keep focused on the most important tasks at hand!” Kris Pope, Catch Pro Wildlife Control, Eatonton, Ga. 706-460-3024
“My name is Mack Glover and I’m the President of Arrow Pest Service in Panama City, FL. I have been working with Hal Coleman for 1 one year and we have seen a 65% increase in our sales revenue since we have started. I made up my mind that I was going to do whatever he instructed me to do (no matter how CRAZY it might sound) and it has paid off in a BIG way. The return on our investment with Hal is definitely worth it, I DO NOT regret one penny of it. Hal knows what he is talking about, so just do it. You WILL Not be disappointed, I promise. Hal is very professional and amazing to work with and I always look forward to our weekly meetings, so much so that I’ve signed up for another year. Please feel free to contact me anytime about Hal’s coaching program.”
Mack Glover, president – Arrow Pest Service, Panama City, Fla. (850) 874-1900
“This year I signed up for Hal Coleman’s annual coaching program and had him come to my office and meet with my 9 technicians and show them how to generate referrals from our current customers. Up to that point, they seldom if ever brought in any referrals. Hal spent a half day with them teaching them his simple, no-brainer referral generation strategy. Well, that was exactly 12 weeks ago. And since that time they have brought in a total of 227 referrals which have resulted in 65 new sales totaling a little over $36,500.00. That is an average of over $3000.00 per week, which will be over $150,000.00 in new sales this year just from what he taught us. That one thing alone has made his coaching program a great value to me…and I know there is a lot more to come!”
Erik Gardner, Volunteer Rid-A-Pest, Cleveland, Tn. 423-472-7736
“I joined Hal’s Program January 2019 to help grow business. It has only been 3 months since I started with Hal and we have increased our sales revenue by 30.37% . It been great thus far and I’m really enjoying the time I spend going over strategies with Hal, (it’s fun & the results are great) We have implemented just only a few of the strategies Hal has shared with me in the past 3 months and it really works. I would recommend Hals program to any person wanting to grow their business fast!”
Daniel Hickey – Owner/Director, Safeguard Pest Control, Queensland, Australia +617 5477 6675
“Whoever said you cant teach an old dog new tricks hasn’t met Hal Coleman. I’ve owned my pest control company for over 30 years and not only has Hal taught me a whole new approach to growing our business but he’s rebooted my enthusiasm. Oh, and by the way, my employees average 15 years with the company and they all feel the same way after our full day seminar with hal. It has been a great investment to work with Hal. Thanks Hal!”
John Kaiser, President, Island Pest Control, Hilton Head Island, S.C. 843-681-5188
“I have just completed my first year of coaching with Hal Coleman and I couldn’t be more pleased. I have followed his instructions and my sales have more than doubled this past year. I just re-signed for another year of coaching with Hal!” Michael Wienecke, Peskies Pest Control, Birmingham, Ala. 205-470-8161
“I have worked with Hal for only four hours of time so far and already it has paid off. He has me thinking in a whole different way. After our first meeting I put two of his ideas into place. Four days later I had a lady call our office and thank me for what we had done for her and turns out she was the person that handles the purchasing for her company and it turned into a $20,000.00 sale and new account. The thing about working with Hal is that if you listen and take good notes you will have all the tools you need to be successful. He presents selling in such a way that you can’t help but see why it works. It definitely will change the way you sell. I’m a customer for life!”
Chris Schneider – Turf Gator Lawn & Pest, Lebanon, Illinois – 618-233-7600
“In April, 2017 I joined Hal Coleman’s coaching program and I must say it was a great decision! Over the past year I have learned amazing ways to get more new customers, close more sales and grow my business. If you are serious about growing your pest control business you should join Hal’s coaching program ASAP. It will definitely be money well spent. It will be an investment that will be paying you dividends for the rest of your life!”
Eric Botts – EarlyBird Extermination, Ontario, Ca. 909-297-8694
“Working with Hal has been one of the best decisions I have ever made for my business. His knowledge of different ways to acquire new customers is amazing. My website has become a powerful marketing and sales tool thanks to the help from Hal Coleman. I look forward to every meeting with him and I would recommend Hal Coleman to anyone looking to take their business to the next level. He is truly a master of his craft”.
Dan Nielsen, Genuine Pest Control, Omaha, Nebraska – 402-619-4424
“We have been in Hal Coleman’s coaching program less than 90 days and we are already seeing great results from the things he has taught us. We’ve tried other approaches and programs and were disappointed in all of them. But with Hal’s coaching it’s different. We are seeing results. This month we will double the amount of sales we did the same time last year!” Ben Sell, Ben’s Pest Control, Port St. Lucie, Fla. 772-878-1972
“Hal’s coaching skills are phenomenal! He has so many ideas that actually work. Marketing ideas that are simple to implement and easy to teach to your employees. Marketing strategies coupled with psychology selling that he teaches to you will put your sales through the roof! He can put together a website for you that will keep the phone ringing off the hook. If you will apply these marketing strategies to your business, your business will grow!”
Cliff Nipper, President, National Termite & Pest Control, Cordele, Georgia – 229-273-1310
“After working with Hal Coleman for a little over 6 months, we are growing at a rate roughly 3 times what we have done in the previous two years.”
Bill Stewart, NatureZone Pest Control, Phoenix, Az. 602-476-1088
“I’ve only been in Hal Coleman’s coaching program for a little over a month and I’m already seeing some amazing things happen. He told me exactly how to change the home page of my website and incorporate certain psychological buy buttons to capture and hold a new viewer’s attention. I did exactly what he said and my bounce rate has gone from an average of 80% to down below 10%! They are staying on my website site from about 17 seconds before to now about 2.5 minutes now!”
John Byrd, Byrd Pest Control, Patterson, Ca. 209-892-2973
“When Hal told me how I should re-design my company vehicle, I was a little skeptical of his “Big & Outrageous” concept. But, I went along with it and got the vehicle re-done. And, 5 days after I got it done, I got my first new customer from it. The lady called and said she saw it on the road. And I notice people can’t stop looking at it!” Thanks Hal.
Glenn Laney, president, Ennis Exterminating, Fayetteville, Ga. 770-716-0867
“When I first heard Hal’s vision for my company’s growth, I did not believe it was possible; at least not as quickly as it has taken place. I stepped up and jumped in with both feet. And boy I’m glad I did! My business is growing out of control. I was nervous as I hired one new employee, but really needed two! And Hal says this is just the beginning. Wow! If you want your business to double, do about half of what Hal tells you to do, but if you want it to explode… Do it all! If you would like to hear more about my experience with Hal, please give me a call and I’ll be happy to give you more information.”
Tim McWhirter, Canton Termite and Pest Control, 770-479-1598
“After being in business for myself for 2 ½ years, I have spent about $2400.00 in coaching/ consulting fees with Hal Coleman. And that included building my new website and blog. I spent an additional $2000.00 on my truck wrap (based solely on what Hal told me to do). And what has been my return on that investment? I can tell you that my website and my truck have generated approximately $80,000.00 in new sales just in the past 18 months! If you want more new customers, you need to call Hal Coleman and let him help you. It will be the best time and money you will ever spend on your business.”
Mark Hunter, Landmark Pest and Wildlife Solutions, Macon, Ga. 478-972-4357
“I have been working with Hal Coleman since January 2014 and have gained a vast amount of knowledge from his coaching program. At first I was skeptical about how much I would learn, but after the first lesson I knew it was a great investment. We have begun to implement Hal’s recommendations and are projecting a 30% growth in sales this year.”
Tommy Casselberry – Green Seasons Lawn and Pest Control, Baton Rouge, LA 225-752-2333
“Hal’s consultation with me today was priceless. Don’t let his folksy delivery fool you. This man is SMART and he “gets it”. I came away with tons of ideas I could use as soon as I put the phone down. And I did!! Thanks Hal!”
Doug Foster, Burt’s Termite & Pest Control, Inc., Columbus, Indiana (812) 372-3212
“I can honestly say that the single most valuable thing I have ever done to grow my business was hiring Hal Coleman as my coach. He has a way of making things seem so simple and, when you do them, they work. He has given me the confidence to know that I will always be able to go out and get new customers and generate more referrals in my community. If you are serious about growing your business, you should call Hal today and enroll in his coaching program. It will benefit you for the rest of your life!”
Joanne Newell, Center for Energetic Healing, Roswell, Ga. 678-744-3257
“When I first started working with Hal, “I didn’t know what I didn’t know”, If you feel like you’re struggling with your marketing, just sign up for a one hour coaching session with Hal and test it out. I can assure you that the value you get from that one session will come back to you in ideas that will make you multiple times what you paid for that one hour of your time. I’m happy to be a client of Hal’s”
Patrick Bruner, APM Advanced Pest Management, LLC. Shelbyville, IN (317) 402-5291.
“Working with Hal has made our staff a more focused and determined “Team”. Sometimes in today’s business climate we have little time to pay attention to the numerous details that can help a company grow. Hal brought those details together and presented them in an easy to understand manner that helped not only me but our employees set our goals for the future. With larger items, both known to me and not, Hal placed before us a path the company could follow for now as well as for the future. My pride sometimes wouldn’t allow me to agree at times but try Hal’s ideas anyway and you too will not be able to deny the results!”
Tim Green, Green’s Exterminating Co., Inc. Nashville, TN (615) 889-0869
“Mr. Coleman, thank you for the very positive coaching session we had last Saturday. I am already putting in practice some of the information and tips that you shared with me and seeing good results right away. I’ll be in touch in the near future!”
Eli Tella, Elite Pro Termite & Pest Control, Brownsville, Tx. 956-544-7371
“I started working with Hal in April, 2014 and it has been a great learning experience! I am always looking forward to the next session…..because I know it will be a shot of energy! If you want to increase your sales, call Hal. Much appreciated. Thanks Hal.”
Mike Reed, Rhino Hide, LLC, Eaton Park, Fla. O. 863-665-0203
“Hal already has a thousand great ideas and he constantly comes up with more. Just do what he says, don’t do anything before talking to him about it and you will be a successful business owner. It doesn’t get any easier than that.”
Jon Fulsom, J & L Termite and Pest Control, Owasso, Oklahoma, 918-798-8690
“Hal, with much consideration, contemplation and consummation of what entered my brain today, I can’t thank you enough for your time and knowledge in giving us the tools to become successful. I absolutely will look at my approach differently and for the better. I look forward to working with you in the future. I very much appreciate your no nonsense and honest approach in helping folks realize just a better way to communicate. You’re a gem of a gentleman, and I thank you.”
J. Deron Lewis – Rhinohide, LLC – Lakeland, Fla. 866-347-4466
Bret Burgess, President & Entrepreneur, Burgess Development Group Inc., Fairfield, Missouri
long time. I also relearned some things I used to know. Its not rocket
science…it is work…smart work and that is what I am doing
differently now-working and selling smarter.”
Gary Snodgrass, Green Mountain Pest Control, Cleveland, Tenn. 423-331-8461
“Hal, Thank you for the recent conference calls. Joe and I found them to be extremely helpful in understanding the pest control marketplace. We also found it very insightful from a psychological sales point. We plan on using your services now and into the future. We would also like to have you as our key advisor going forward. Hal, thanks again for your help.”
John Mulcahy, Norman Pest Control, Walpole, Ma. 508-668-6829
“Hal, I wanted to thank you for your coaching and all you’ve taught me. My mind is going crazy and I can’t stop thinking about my advertising and marketing efforts. You have me thinking in a completely different way, you’ve made it exciting. I wish I would have met you years ago!!! Thank You.
Eric Smith, Termite Lawn and Pest, Inc. Orlando, Fla. 407-408-5315
“I recently started a pest control company and needed new ideas for marketing. I found Hal Coleman online and something told me to give him a shot. After my session with him today, in just a couple of hours I now have tools that will benefit me on all aspects of marketing. He exceeded all my expectations.”
Ceasar Rios, H T Pest Control, Natalia, TX 210-843-1992
“I booked one day of coaching with Hal Coleman and I can honestly say that I got my money’s worth during the very first hour we spent together. I received so much powerful and useful information that I was blown away by it. He certainly lived up to his reputation of over-delivering on everything he promises. I would tell you that, if you want to learn how to get more new customers and grow your business, you need to book a day with Hal. It’ll be a day you’ll never forget. I can tell you right now that I will be spending more time with Hal in the future!”
Mark Hunter – President, Landmark Pest and Wildlife Solutions, Macon, Ga. 478-972-4357
“I have come to know and trust Hal Coleman over the past several years. I have benefited on many occasions from his sage counseling and advice. Hal is a great communicator and has a unique ability to assess complex business situations and pass on clear, distinct, and creative ideas for me to consider.”
Chris Wescott – Sales Consultant, 770-823-5656
“I was having a slow year and decided to advertise in a local community magazine. Hal Coleman told me 5 things to do to my ad that would cause people to call me. At first, I thought it was pretty outrageous stuff. It went totally against what other advertising agents had told me. But, I listened to Hal and designed my ad according to his instructions. Well, all I can say is…I got slammed with so much business I couldn’t handle it all. We were working 7 days a week for awhile, just from calls coming in from that one ad. If you listen to Hal and do what he says, you will get more customers. (This is not the first time I have used Hal as a consultant, and it has paid off every time!)”
David Garland, President -Garland Services, Inc., Douglasville, Ga., 678-414-7798
“This past year we hired Hal Coleman to teach our service professionals a simple strategy for generating leads from total strangers on the street, and additional referrals from our current customers. Over the next 60 days, using his technique, we generated 300 new sales, which resulted in over $80,000.00 in additional income. Thanks Hal!”
Greg Vines, Regional Manager-Allgood Pest Solutions, Dublin, Ga. 478-272-6271
“Hal delivered an outstanding keynote speech that far exceeded our expectations. Everyone raved about his wit, humor, and down-to-earth presentation style. Hal kept the audience fully engaged and his message was very thought provoking. We feel confident that his practical insights will add great value to what we do.”
Craig Goodwin, Director, Learning Solutions, Rollins, Inc., 404-877-4600
“After attending one of Hal’s seminars, I made one change in the signage on the side of my truck and the new business I got as a result more than paid for the cost of the seminar. His stuff works.”
Manuel Snipes, President, Azalea City ExterminatingValdosta, Ga. 229-241-9372
“When I became dissatisfied with results from advertising in local telephone directories, I called Hal Coleman. He came to my office and spent all day with my team, did everything he promised, and exceeded all of my expectations. Because of his visit we are changing our marketing focus and have already begun to see results from his Direct Response Marketing approach. If you want to know how to get more new customers for your pest control business, you need to call Hal today!”
Ennis G. Laney, President, Ennis Exterminating, Inc. Fayetteville, Ga. 770-716-0867
“This past year I hired Hal Coleman to coach me on how to market my pest control company. I’ll have to admit, I thought he was a little crazy at first. But I did what he told me to do, and it has led to new sales and new customers, just like he said it would. If you want to know how to get more new customers for your pest control business, you definitely need to get Hal into your office ASAP and let him show you how. I will definitely be using his services in the future!”
Fred Talley, President, Faith Pest Control, Talking Rock, Ga. 770-823-9202